What does your look consist of? Are you one of those who woman who can mix and match any great piece and make it a fabulous outfit and people want to know were did you get that. I am known for shopping at H&M, Forever 21, Zara. That's me. I can spot a great piece as soon as I walk in the door. I say the piece has to speak too you and your style. Their are alot of people who don't have that talent and can't figure it out.
I say first step outside the box and go from the black to the bold colors for Spring. Royal Blue, Yellow, Pink, Orange, Silver, Neon green and Oranges. Then get yourself some bold necklaces like a statement piece and if you don't do jewelry then start with two great pieces. Ok now you need your jeans you can shoot for color or if your afraid do plain blue jean. Now try those pieces on in front of the mirror and see what works for you and if you like it then rock and keep following the steps and you'll be Diva Fashionista in no time. If you need assistance contact me at euridice 1229@yahoo.com. Good Luck.
Euridice's Mix and Match is designed for the most fabulous woman who go out daily and always dress to impress, The modern day woman who loves to mix and match her clothing to transform into the ultimate outfit that no one else can put together. Always winning on a budget. Euridice's Mix and Match a unique brand here to assist you into transforming your look and wardrobe and make heads turn within your budget. So lets rock these amazing looks and smart doing it.
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