I can't say enough about this photo. It expresses beauty and art in the same sense. Ciara looks amazing. The accessories, the makeup, the colors of her makeup, the sequence colors of the shirt she's wearing. WOW it all has caught my eye.This picture alone expresses everything that I love about fashion and being a woman. Ciara's makeup flawless. Her skin is flawless. Lip color pink nude goes with the entire design of the face. Who ever put this anazing work of art together is a true artist.
I love the bold accessories, the bold colors, the sequence. It's me. Ladies if you want to shine, this is how you do it.
Euridice's Mix and Match is designed for the most fabulous woman who go out daily and always dress to impress, The modern day woman who loves to mix and match her clothing to transform into the ultimate outfit that no one else can put together. Always winning on a budget. Euridice's Mix and Match a unique brand here to assist you into transforming your look and wardrobe and make heads turn within your budget. So lets rock these amazing looks and smart doing it.