The HOT colors are in so get to the stores or even in your closet and pull out the light pinks, orange, teel blues, tan, light greens and also darks and mix those colors. You don't have to be matchy matchy. you can wear the pink and the green or the green pant and the orange shirt. My favorite is a red pant and a green shirt or light blue top. They have great tee shirt out now at Zara and also H&M. you don't have too spend alot to look great. Make it work for you. Yes you can wear your YSL shoe or those LB'S, but clothes can be something you can afford. Do it all on a budget and look FAB!
Euridice's Mix and Match is designed for the most fabulous woman who go out daily and always dress to impress, The modern day woman who loves to mix and match her clothing to transform into the ultimate outfit that no one else can put together. Always winning on a budget. Euridice's Mix and Match a unique brand here to assist you into transforming your look and wardrobe and make heads turn within your budget. So lets rock these amazing looks and smart doing it.